My work centres on the individual – with strengths and weaknesses. I am your point of contact for children, young people and adults with dyscalculia and dyslexia.
I also offer learning coaching.


Gaby Büchler

Learning assessment 1st to 9th grade

The placement tests are based on Curriculum 21 and assess the level of learning in the subjects German and maths, grades 1 to 9.

The aim is to gain an overview of the learning status as a basis for individualised support planning and filling gaps in the material.

In German, this includes language observation with grammar and spelling, writing and reading. Standardised tests are also carried out and at the end concrete support modules, materials, computer-based learning programmes and tutorials are compiled. A report can be written on request.


Clarify requirements Is the Gymnasium right for me?

We take a close look and ask whether the general conditions are right and whether the grammar school route could be the right one for you.

Individual preparation from the summer holidays

After an assessment of the current situation, we build up the exam material according to an individual learning plan.
Gaps in material from the intermediate level, or the 1. and 2nd secondary school, are specifically addressed.
We always proceed at your learning pace with a clear examination goal in mind.
In contrast to the group courses, we can focus on maths or German as required.

Selective support

You attend a private group course or the preparation at your school. You don’t feel safe, your questions are not all answered yet? We take a close look.

Learning level assessment mid/end of year 5

You want to know exactly where you stand and then decide within what framework you want to prepare. We take a look and show ways forward.

Relief and counselling for parents

You learn with your daughter, your son. It takes a lot of hours and there are often long discussions. External exam preparation can take the pressure off.

Pressure of time

You’ve started to study for the exam at home. However, you would appreciate to get some external support, but the group classes have already begun or are full. We will find a suitable timeframe for you.
We will find a suitable time slot for you.

You keep studying and studying…

… and are you still not achieving a sufficient score when solving the mock exams – is it due to the content, the learning technique or is anxiety and stress having a negative effect on your learning?

You can prepare well for the Gymnasium exam.

In the individual exam preparation course, you will review maths and German topics and learn the most important terms; The structure of examination tasks is analysed, explained and practised.


«Ich will ans Gymi» by Rolf Flückiger and Martin Steinacher, ZKM Verlag


Independent of time and place: Online therapy has its advantages. It is independent of where you are. There is no need to travel and this saves time. This often makes it easier to fit it into everyday life, early in the morning, in between, over lunchtime, even at the weekend.

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