People are at the centre of my work – with their strengths and weaknesses, I am your point of contact for children, young people and adults with dyscalculia and dyslexia/dyslexia/dyslexia.


Gaby Büchler

Learning coaching in Zurich

Whether in primary school, secondary school, high school or university – learning is lifelong and very individual. Values shape learning and learning shapes personal development.

Learning coaching involves thinking about learning, trying out new approaches and allowing mistakes to happen. Effective learning strategies are developed here so that personal goals can be achieved.

Fresh thoughts as positive signposts

Sometimes the inner voice whispers sentences like: “It’ll never work, you’ve never given a good presentation.” or “You can’t memorise that much vocabulary anyway.” in your ear. Learning coaching teaches you how to deal with this inner voice in a targeted way. It can be changed, step by step.

Motivation as an energy boost

So what gets learners going? Neurologists confirm that interest and motivation provide energy to tackle and realise things. In learning coaching, we find out which individual sources of energy drive learning.


I work concretely and tangibly, the theory is put into practice. Practising new strategies takes time and support. This framework is provided by learning coaching – because staying on the ball pays off – success is what follows.

When can learning coaching help children, teenagers and young adults?


  • Homework causes stress and worry
  • Exams cause sleepless nights
  • the mountain of tasks cannot be sensibly organised
  • the examination result is disproportionate to the learning effort
  • constantly avoid or postpone learning, procrastinate
  • many careless mistakes often happen
  • learning in the school environment is not effective
  • the motivation is completely lacking
  • confidence in their own learning abilities has dwindled
  • doubts about one’s own goals
  • the pressure to perform blocks
  • there is a lack of training in dealing with partial performance weaknesses such as ADD/ADHD, dyscalculia, reading and spelling difficulties
  • Concentration difficulties make learning significantly more difficult
  • there is constant self-doubt


In an initial introductory meeting, we look at the current situation together in the presence of the parents, take note of concerns and wishes and determine the goal of the learning coaching.

The training begins with the client alone and, in consultation with the parents, we involve the school and other therapists. We reduce learning resistance and develop helpful learning strategies. Feedback and status meetings are held on a regular basis.

Once the goal has been achieved, a joint final discussion takes place.

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